Did You Win the Leather Giveaway? (250 Subscribers!)

Check out this video to see if you won the leather giveaway and will receive an extensive package of pieces of leather, cut to size to develop your leather breading skills. If you won, you will receive a piece of leather large enough to make your own bracelet, but also a braided example and three straps at different stages of the process of making a braided leather bracelet.

Visit my wife’s blog at www.creatiefmetcarola.nl.

Video transcript:

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Tony Needs Hobbies. As promised two weeks ago, in this video I will do the giveaway raffle using the names of people that commented on the 250 subscribers video.

Before I do that, let’s first do some updates on projects that I am currently working on or will be working on in the nearby future.

In this room I have two carboys with sweet mead and apricot wine ready to be bottled. My wife wants me to clean up my mess so that the empty bottles and bucket are gone… I have been working on an open frame tetrahedron shaped lamp for a while now. Recently, I received the miter saw needed for this project. In the kitchen some spent coffee grounds are drying to be put in a new batch of soap. This soap will be cut in bars using a tool that I will built in one of the next three videos. Also, I collected some acorns to make acorn coffee. Fun fact, the Dutch word for squirrel is “eekhoorn”, which is funny, cause that is the English word for what they eat. You are what you eat, I guess. What I also want to do really bad is forging. I am currently looking for the cheapest way to get the steel hot enough, but I am not there yet as you can see.

Last thing I wanted to show you is that I am not the only one turning this house into a mess. My wife forages for all kinds of tree stuff that she uses for her projects. Some of that involve crocheting, like this sweater and the chair that I sit on while speaking to you. Definitely check out her blog – since recently available in both English and Dutch – at www.creatiefmetcarola.nl – see the link in the description.

You can expect updates on all these projects really soon, but in the next three videos I will be:

  • Making leather hand grips for pull ups in the gym
  • Then in the one following, I will do some woodworking to make a new tool for soap making
  • And then in the third one I will be preparing a nice beverage

That being said, it is now finally time to pick a name and make someone happy with some nice pieces of leather to practice your leather braiding skills. Here we go.

And the winner is… Jeanine!

Congratulations! Please contact me via e-mail on 250subs@tonyneedshobbies.com. Be sure to include the following information in your message:

  • Your full name and address information
  • Wrist size (without adding additional length, I will do that for you)
  • Whether you want to install the snaps yourself or you want me to do it
  • And the leather you want: either brown veg tan or black nubuck

That’s it for this short update and giveaway video. I sure hope that the winner is happy. As mentioned before, in the next video I will make leather hand grips for doing pull ups in the gym. If you have liked this video, then definitely let me know by hitting that like button. Please also consider subscribing to this channel if you don’t want to miss videos about the projects that I described earlier. I am really looking forward to seeing you next time.

Thank you for watching. Bye, bye!

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